Athir Ali Poker

Posted onby admin
Published On March 6, 2016

(Name, Country, Status, Chips) Eric Theissen, United Kingdom, PokerStars Player, 293,200 Hamid Toghyan, United Kingdom, 279,000 Gino Levrini, United States. Athir Kamal Ali poker player profile. Get latest information, winnings and gallery. Blinds at the final table started at 12,000/24,000/3,000a so Athir Ali and his 69,000 chips was in a desperate situation. Ali looked down at and three-bet all-in over the top of a Deadman raise to 50,000. Robert Boon cold-called and Deadman put in the extra chips too. Total life earnings: $145,576. Latest cash: $641 on 22-Nov-2018. Click here to see the details of Athir Ali's 51 cashes. RANKING POINTS UPDATE - A few bits of news. After a number of requests for some sort of individual reward for the upcoming Premier League we have decided to keep an individual leaderboard aswell (a sort of top goalscorer) and will award the Top 9 players Season 11 Ranking Points.

GUKPT Manchester 2016 Main Event Winner Reyaaz Mulla – 06/03/2016 – 19:59

Final Day Review – 06/03/2016 – 19:45

Well everyone here is still in shock, the dealers pulled the decks out of the freezer today as we have just had one of the quickest final tables in GUKPT history. Just three hours ago we started the final and now it’s finished and that includes a half an hour break.

It’s been a great event where the cardroom staff have done great in qualifying over 100 players! So firstly well done to Lee and the team. In total the Main Event had 232 entries which was a massive improvement on the 198 from last year. That’s all to do with Lee, Maxine and the team here in running so many satellites.

Today started with 16 entries and it was slow to start off with as it took us four hours to lose seven players and reach our final table. The players below all busting before making the final:

10th – £4,450 – Liam Hooks
11th – £3,700 – Dean Hutchinson
12th – £3,700 – Mark Evans
13th – £3,250 – Athir Ali
14th – £3,250 – Danny Hernon
15th – £2,800 – Alex Montgomery
16th – £2,800 – Neil Strike

Reyaaz Mulla went into the final table as the chip leader and within the first few minutes he got a gift from Andrew Mathews who shoved into Mulla with just Ace high when Mulla held trips. Andrew qualified for just £10 and he would leave with his best live cash ever collecting £5,300 for 9th.

The next player to leave us was Tuan Lee in 8th place, short stacked he shoved with and ran into Ming Ju, the late comer, holding . Ming flopped an Ace and that was that. Tuan would ash for £6,300.

Two time GUKPT ME Event winner Priyan De Mel unfortunately couldn’t make it a hat trick of wins as he got short and then shoved holding Mulla looked him up holding and that would be that for Priyan. He finished in 7th place for £7,400.

One of the local favourites Matt Davenport made his exit in 6th place on the final table. He got a read wrong against Ming and called off his stack with two pair, but rang into the trips of Ming. Matt would get just over £9,000 for his efforts and we will see him at the next one.

GUKPT regular Grant Wheelhouse was the double up master today, doubling at least four times on the final day. He couldn’t make it five times though as his couldn’t win the flip against the of Ming who increased his chip lead. Grant would cash for £12,550 for 5th place.

Blackpool regular Darren Lord who won his seat in Blackpool made a move when there was four players remaining, a massive move with just seven high, it didn’t work out for Darren as Ming had flopped two pair, which held as he took even more chips. Darrens fantastic fourth place finish would get him £18,100.

Three handed the chip counts were all pretty level as after playing for around 25 minutes the players had 1.5million each. Then Ming and Mulla got their stacks in holding Queens and Ace-King. Mulla held the Ace-King which came out on top and sent Ming to the rail. Ming Ju qualified for just £20 in a LMS, he turned that into £27,600 for third place.

The two players decided to flatten the payouts and guaranteed themselves at least £53,000 with the winner taking home £58,300.

The players would play just a few hands heads up before Middleton found queens and got it all in against the Ace-King of Mulla. Against Mullas Ace-King came out on top as he flopped an ace and turned a king. Tom was very happy with his days work taking home £53,000 as the runner up.

There couldn’t of been a more popular winner than Reyaaz Mulla, a genuinely nice guy who is liked by every in the poker community in the North West. He’s also a satellite qualifier so it’s great for the club. Reyaaz, takes home, the title, trophy and £58,300 for first.

It’s been a very successful event in Manchester where the satellite qualifiers have done the club proud and we have a local winner. What more could you want?

The tournament ha ran like clock work again, so well done to Janis and his team.

We will be back in a months time in Reading, so please join us in the cardroom there or join us online to tune into the action.

Until next time, be lucky.

Prizepool Payout – 06/03/2016 – 19:22

GUKPT Manchester Main Event
£1000 NLHE F/O
Entries: 232

1st – £58,300 – Reyaaz Mulla
2nd – £53,000 – Tom Middleton
3rd – £27,600 – Ming Ju
4th – £18,100 – Darren Lord
5th – £12,550 – Grant Wheelhouse
6th – £9,050 – Matt Davenport
7th – £7,400 – Priyan De Mel
8th – £6,300 – Tuan Lee
9th – £5,300 – Andrew Mathews
10th – £4,450 – Liam Hooks
11th – £3,700 – Dean Hutchinson
12th – £3,700 – Mark Evans
13th – £3,250 – Athir Ali
14th – £3,250 – Danny Hernon
15th – £2,800 – Alex Montgomery
16th – £2,800 – Neil Strike
17th – £2,800 – Yu Wu
18th – £2,550 – Pablo Martinez
19th – £2,550 – Brynn Cropper
20th – £2,550 – Lazar Micovic
Prizepool – £232,000

It’s All Over – 06/03/2016 – 19:16

Tom Middleton opens, Mulla three bets, Tom four bets, Mulla moves in and Tom quickly makes the call.

It’s a huge flip for just over 3 million…

Tom –
Mulla –

The flop comes the crowd go wild as Mulla flops an Ace to take the lead, leaving Tom with just two outs.

The turn card comes giving Mulla two pair, but changing nothing, Tom still has two outs.

The river card

Mulla takes the pot with two pair as the crowd start cheering.

Tom Middleton is our runner up, cashing for £53,000.

Reyaaz Mulla is the GUKPT Manchester 2016 Champion, taking home £58,300.

Deal Done – 06/03/2016 – 19:13

The players have decided to do a deal. Guaranteeing themselves at least £53,000.

1st – £58,300
2nd – £53,000

Chip Counts – 06/03/2016 – 19:05

Mulla – 3,170,000
Middy – 1,474,000

Heads Up Underway – 06/03/2016 – 19:02

Heads up play begins between Mulla & Middy.

Blinds are 12,000/24,000. No running ante.

Break Time – 06/03/2016 – 18:57

The players are taking a quick break before we begin heads up play.

Ming Ju 3rd – 06/03/2016 – 18:55

Tom makes it 55,000 from the button, Ming Ju three bets to 163,000. Mulla then rips it all in!! Tom gets out of the way and Ming makes the call.

It’s a huge flip for the chip lead as Mulla tables against the of Ming.

The board runs out

Mulla makes a pair of kings to take the huge pot and the chip lead.

We lose Ming Ju in 3rd place for £27,600.

Super Deep – 06/03/2016 – 18:44

The players are super deep, with Middy being the shot stack with a million which is still over 40 big blinds.

The average stack in the tournament at the moment is over 50 bigs, so despite us having that mental half hour before the break, we could still have a long day on our hands because theres loads of play in this tournament.

45 Minute Levels – 06/03/2016 – 18:33

As is the norm on the GUKPT as soon as we get down to four handed or less we go to 45 minute levels. So that’s what we are playing now.

The Final Three – 06/03/2016 – 18:30

Level 24 – 06/03/2016 – 18:25

The players are back seated as we begin level 24.

The blinds are 12,000/24,000 with a 3,000 ante.

Three players remaining.

Chip Counts – 06/03/2016 – 18:07

Ming Ju2079000
Reyaaz Mulla1663000
Tom Middleton902000

Break Time – 06/03/2016 – 17:54

Break time now for the players as we take a 30 minute break.

A Double For Middy – 06/03/2016 – 17:52

The last hand before the break Tom Middleton doubles up as his pocket nines hold up against the A-8 of Ming.

Middy is now up to 850,000.

Darren Lord 4th – 06/03/2016 – 17:49

On a flop of Ming Ju bets and Darren Lord moves all in…

Darren has been caught at it and shows for just seven high, no draw.

Ming shows for two pair.

The turn card comes giving Darren two outs to survive.

Athar ali poker

The river card comes .

Two pair for Ming as he takes the pot and now has 2.5million.

We lose Darren Lord in 4th place for £18,100.

Grant Wheelhouse – 5th – 06/03/2016 – 17:39

Ming Ju makes it 45,000 from the small blind, Grant Wheelhouse moves all in for his 180,000 from the big blind. Ming makes the call…

Grant tables and it’s a coinflip against the of Ming.

The board runs out

Sixes hold for Ming as he takes the pot and now has just short of 2 million.

We lose Grant Wheelhouse in 5th place for £12,550.

Matt Davenport 6th – 06/03/2016 – 17:28

Matt Davenport makes it 40,000 on the button and is called by Ming Ju & Grant Wheelhouse in the blinds

The three players go to the flop as it comes the three players check.

The turn card comes Ming checks to Grant who bets 70,000, Matt makes the call. Ming then moves all in for his 1 million stack putting the pressure on the other players.

Grant gets out of the way, Matt goes into the tank with around 500,000 behind the line… he then makes the call and sees the bad news as Ming shows A-5 for trips!! Matt shows 9-10 for two pair as drawing to just two outs…

The river card comes

Ming takes the 1million+ pot and now has 1.7million.

We lose Matt Davenport in 6th place for £9,050.

Priyan De Mel – 06/03/2016 – 17:07

Priyan De Mel moves all in from late position for a shade over 200,000 and is called by Reyaaz Mulla in the small blind, the big blind gets out of the way and the cards go on their backs:

Priyan tables and is in bad shape as Mulla shows

The flop comes as Priyan flops a flush draw!

The turn card comes

Priyan needs a spade or King to survive, but it doesn’t come as the river is

Reyaaz Mulla takes the pot with Ace high and now has 1.6million, about a third of the chips in play.

Priyan will have to wait to get his third main event title, as he exits in 7th place for £7,400.

Tuan Lee 8th – 06/03/2016 – 17:01

Tuan Lee moves all in for his 200,000 stack and is called by Ming Ju in the small blind.

Tuan tables and is crushed by the of Ming.

The flop comes Ac as Ming pairs his Ace.

The turn card comes giving Ming two pair and leaves Tuan drawing dead.

The river card comes

Ming takes the pot with two pair, he now has around a million chips!

We lose Tuan Lee in 8th place for £6,300.

Level 22 – 06/03/2016 – 16:52

The blinds increase as we begin level number 22.

They are now 10,000/20,000 with a 2,000 ante.

8 players remaining.

Prizepool Payout – 06/03/2016 – 16:48

GUKPT Manchester Main Event
£1000 NLHE F/O
Entries: 232

1st – £67,250
2nd – £44,050
3rd – £27,600
4th – £18,100
5th – £12,550
6th – £9,050
7th – £7,400
8th – £6,300
9th – £5,300 – Andrew Mathews

Mathews 9th – 06/03/2016 – 16:41

The very first hand of the final table on a board reading Andrew Mathews moves all in making a move again Reyaaz Mulla.

Mulla makes the quick call and tables A-8 for turned trips. Andrew shows Ace-King for ace high and is drawing dead.

The river is a meaningless

We lose Andrew Mathews from the tournament in 9th place for £5,300. A fantastic return for Andrew who qualified for just £11!!!

Mulla increases his chip lead and now has 1.2million.

The Final Table – 06/03/2016 – 16:35

Seating & Chip Counts – 06/03/2016 – 16:30

Reyaaz Mulla985000
Ming Ju884500
Tom Middleton543000
Darren Lord467500
Matt Davenport465000
Priyan De Mel376000
Andrew Mathews356500
Grant Wheelhouse346000
Tuan Le272500

Final Table

Seat One – Andrew Mathews 356,500
Seat Two – Priyan De Mel 376,000
Seat Three – Tuan Le 272,500
Seat Four – Darren Lord 467,500
Seat Five – Reyaaz Mulla 985,000
Seat Six – Tom Middleton 543,000
Seat Seven – Matt Davenport 465,000
Seat Eight – Ming Ju 884,500
Seat Nine – Grant Wheelhouse 346,000

Final is Underway – 06/03/2106 – 16:25

The players are now seated as we begin the final table.

The blinds are 8,000/16,000 with a 2,000 ante.

9 players remaining.

Break Time – 06/03/2016 – 15:59

Break time now for the players as we set up the final table.

Liam Hooks – 06/03/2016 – 15:55

Liam Hooks moves all in and is called by Ming Ju.

Liam tables and will need to hit a nine as Ming shows

The flop comes

The turn card leaving Liam drawing dead!

The river is

Ming takes the pot and has chipped up massively since arriving two hours late. He now has around 900,000.

We lose Liam Hooks from the tournament in 10th place for £4,450.

HitTheHole Hits The River – 06/03/2016 – 15:42

Mulla makes it 40,000 to play, Tom Middleton moves all in and Mulla makes the quick call…

Tom tables and will need to get lucky as chip leader Mulla has found

The flop comes giving Mulla a set, Tom now needs runner runner.

The turn card comes , giving Tom three outs with a gut shot as Mulla picks up a flush draw.

The river card comes !!!!

Middy hits a straight to remain in the tournament, doubling up to 540,000.

Mulla still has about 900,000.

Level 22 – 06/03/2016 – 15:23

The blinds increase as we begin level number 22.

They are now 8000/16000 with a 2000 ante.

Still ten players remaining.

Hooks Short Stack – 06/03/2016 – 15:13

Liam Hooks is the shortest stack of the ten remaining players left in the tournament.

He has just 120,000 which is ten big blinds.

Hand For Hand – 06/03/2016 – 15:05

We are now hand for hand as we are on the final table bubble.

Dean Hutchinson 11th – 06/03/2016 – 14:58

Athir Ali Poker

Dean Hutchinson moves all in over an open from Andy Matthews, Andy makes the call when the action comes back to him.

Dean tables and is in bad shape against the of Ryan.

The flop comes changing nothing.

The turn card comes giving Andy a flush draw and leaving Dean with just two outs as he stands from his seat and picks up his headphones.

The river card comes

Andy rivers the flush to take the pot.

We lose Dean Hutchinson from the tournament in 11th place as he takes home £3,700.

Mark Evans 12th – 06/03/2016 – 14:50

The very next hand Mark Evans gets his 25,000 stack all in and loses. He leaves us in 12th place for £3,700.

Wheelhouse Double Up Master – 06/03/2016 – 14:45

Mark Evans moves all in for his 170,000 stack, Grant Wheelhouse calls off his 150,000 stack from the big blind.

Grant –

Athar Ali Poker

Mark –

The flop comes as Grant flops top pair, but Mark flops an open ended straight draw.

The turn ard comes giving Grant trips, but Mark still has eight outs.

The river card comes

Grant doubles up again, this time to 320,000 and proceeds to tell the table how he is the double up master.

Mark Evans is left just 20,000.

All Is Quiet – 06/03/2016 – 14:35

A very uneventful start to this level thus far.

Nothing much to report during the first 20 minutes of level 21.

Chip Counts – 06/03/2016 – 14:21

Reyaaz Mulla997000
Matt Davenport710000
Darren Lord492000
Priyan De Mel441000
Tom Middleton389500
Grant Wheelhouse270000
Ming Ju265000
Tuan Lee255000
Mark Evans255000
Dean Hutchinson254000
Liam Hooks165000
Andy Matthews154500

Level 21 – 06/03/2016 – 14:18

The players are back seated as we begin level 21.

The blinds are 6,000/12,000 with a 1,500 ante

12 players remaining.

Break Time – 06/03/2016 – 14:03

Break time now for the players as they take 15 minutes.

Double For Ming – 06/03/2016 – 13:58

Ming Ju moves all in from the button for his 120,000 stack, Liam Hooks re shoves from the small blind, Grant folds the big blind and the card are tabled:

Ming –

Liam –

The flop comes giving Ming a flush draw…

The turn card comes

The river card !!

Ming rivers a pair of sixes to take the pot doubling to 250,000, which is how many chips he started the day with.

Liam is down to 300,000.

Athir Ali 13th – 06/03/2016 – 13:50

Athir Ali all in for his last 70,000 is called by Dean Hutchinson.

Athir tables and will need to get lucky against the of Dean.

The board runs out :T

Kings hold for Dean who takes the pot, he now has 240,000.

We lose Athir Ali in 13th place for £3,250.

Middy Back In It – 06/03/2016 – 13:46

Tom Middleton gets it all in holding against the A-K of Athir Ali.

The board runs out

Middy makes a straight to get a double up to 420,000!! A great comeback from the 60,000 stack he had an hour ago.

Athir is down to just 35,000.

Ming Has Made It – 06/03/2016 – 13:42

Ming Ju has just walked through the door making it here to find his stack is now down to 140,000 from the 250,000 he started the day with.

Danny Hernon – 14th – 06/03/2016 – 13:38

While we lost Alex on one table we lose Danny Hernon on the other table.

Athir Ali Poker Game

Short stacked and all in holding against the of Priyan.

Danny misses the board and heads out in 14th place for £3,250.

Alex Montgomery 15th – 06/03/2016 – 13:30

Grant Wheelhouse makes it 21,000 and is called by Matt Davenport & Tuan Lee before Alex Montgomery moves all in for his 120,000 stack.

Grant gets out of the way, Matt moves all in and Tuan folds. The cards go on their backs…

Alex –
Matt –

The flop comes giving Alex a flush draw and taking away two of Matts outs.

The turn card comes

The river card comes !!

Matt rivers a pair of Jacks to take the 300k pot.

We lose Alex Montgomery in 15th place for £2,800.

Ming No Show – 06/03/2016 – 13:20

75 minutes into play and Ming Ju has still not turned up. He has been rang but no one has managed to get hold of him.

He stack has took a battered losing blind and antes while he has not been here but he still has 17 big blinds to play with if he makes it here now.

Level 20 – 06/03/2016 – 13:15

The blinds increase for the first time today as we begin level number 20.

They are now 5,000/10,000 with a 5,000 ante.

Average stack is 309,000.

15 players remaining.

Huge Double For Lord – 06/03/2016 – 13:05

Tom Middleton opens and Darren Lord calls from the blinds.

The two players go to the flop as it comes Darren checks to Middy who bets 25,000. Darren then raises to 85,000. Middy goes into the tank for at least four minutes, asking Darren if he has a flush draw, before making the call… both players are playing around 200,000 behind.

The turn card comes Darren announces all in and Middy makes the call.

Darren shows for two pair which is ahead of the :AcJh of Middy who has top pair.

The river card comes

Darren takes the pot getting a huge double up to 600,000! Middy is left with around 50,000.

Mulla Up To a Mil – 06/03/2016 – 12:56

Reyaaz Mulla has had a great start to the final day, he came into the day as the chip leader and has chipped up even more.

He is now up to 1 million chips of the 4.6million in play.

Final Two Tables – 06/03/2016 – 12:47

Double For Middy – 06/03/2016 – 12:35

Tom Middleton moves all in for his 110,000 stack and is called by Danny Hernon, everyone else gets out of the way and the cards go on their back…

Middy –
Danny –

The board runs out

Pocket eights hold for Middy as he takes the pot doubling too 235,000.

Danny Hernon is left with 250,000.

Start of the Final Day – 06/03/2016 – 12:25

Prizepool Payout – 06/03/2016 – 12:20

GUKPT Manchester Main Event
£1000 NLHE F/O
Entries: 232

1st – £67,250
2nd – £44,050
3rd – £27,600
4th – £18,100
5th – £12,550
6th – £9,050
7th – £7,400
8th – £6,300
9th – £5,300
10th – £4,450
11th – £3,700
12th – £3,700
13th – £3,250
14th – £3,250
15th – £2,800
16th – £2,800 – Neil Strike
17th – £2,800 – Yu Wu
18th – £2,550 – Pablo Martinez
19th – £2,550 – Brynn Cropper
20th – £2,550 – Lazar Micovic

Prizepool – £232,000

Neil Strike 16th – 06/03/2016 – 12:16

Darren Lord moves all in for his 140,000 stack, Neil Strike also moves all in for his stack of 100,000.

Darren tables and will need to find an Ace to beat the of Neil.

The flop comes as Darren takes the lead. This leaves Neil with just one out!

The turn and river come bricks for Neil and he heads out in 16th place for £2,800.

A great start for Darren as he is now up to 250,000.

Day Three Seating Plan – 06/03/2016 – 12:10

Athar ali poker

Table One

Seat One – Reyaaz Mulla 700600
Seat Two – Tuan Lee 379000
Seat Three – Alex Montgomery 68500
Seat Four – Mark Evans 167000
Seat Five – Ming Ju 245000
Seat Six – Liam Hooks 459000
Seat Seven – Grant Wheelhouse 148000
Seat Eight – Matt Davenport 499500

Table Two

Seat One – Tom Middleton 90000
Seat Two – Priyan De Mel 416000
Seat Three – Andy Matthews 217500
Seat Four – Athir Ali 349500
Seat Five – Dean Hutchinson 314500
Seat Six – Darren Lord 140000
Seat Seven – Danny Hernon 259000
Seat Eight – Neil Strike 116500

Shuffle Up & Deal – 06/03/2016 – 12:01

Athir Ali Poker Chips

The card are in the air as we begin day number three.

The blind are starting at 4,000/8,000 with a 1,000 ante.

16 players remaining.

Chip Counts – 06/03/2016 – 11:50

Reyaaz Mulla700600
Matt Davenport499500
Liam Hooks459000
Priyan De Mel416000
Tuan Lee379000
Athir Ali349500
Dean Hutchinson314500
Danny Hernon259000
Ming Ju245000
Andy Matthews217500
Mark Evans167000
Grant Wheelhouse148000
Darren Lord140000
Neil Strike116500
Tom Middleton90000
Alex Montgomery68500

Welcome To The Final Day – 06/03/2016 – 11:45

Athir Ali Poker Table

Good afternoon and welcome back to BNR Mancheter Casino for the third and final day of the GUKPT Main Event.

232 entries in total turned out and we have just 16 player coming back today to battle it out for the £67,000 first placed prize.

We will begin at noon with the player all guaranteed at least £2,800.

Who will become Leg 2 GUKPT Champion??

With COVID-19 disrupting our usual operations, we have reluctantly reviewed how we operate and the services we offer. Sadly we are unable to continue running poker tournaments or games at our UK venues. The exception being three-card poker games at selected venues. We would like to thank our poker community for their support over the years, especially to those who have been with us since Genting Poker Series launched in 2012, and our staff who helped create an experience that was valued by all our players. Any players who have funds in a prize pot should contact their local casino for more information.


We have reviewed all aspects of the business and reluctantly concluded that, given the current circumstances and environment, commercially we could no longer offer poker tournaments at our venues. We understand this will be disappointing to our players and staff and want to thank everyone who has been part of the Genting poker community.


Anyone who has funds in a prize pot should contact their local casino to arrange a refund.


The coronavirus pandemic has presented a unique set of challenges for every business in the casino sector. It is these challenges in totality that has led to our decision.


Like all business we have to be commercially viable and we have reviewed every aspect of our offering due to the coronavirus pandemic. We approached this with an aim to ensure guests continue to enjoy a great experience at our casinos with the widest possible range of games available.


Yes, sadly we will no longer be running any poker tournaments at our UK venues for the foreseeable future.


Yes, three card poker can still be played at some of our venues. Please check with your nearest venue to see if it is offered as one of our table games.


We value all our team members, and this decision has clearly and sadly had an impact on many individuals. We cannot however discuss specifics about the employment of individuals.


We will not be offering poker tournaments at our venues for the foreseeable future. We do however regularly review every aspect of the business to ensure we provide a great guest experience at our casinos.