Fourth Cultivation Slot Mhw

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FourthFourth cultivation slot mhw system

Learn the Cultivating skill at the capital city of your realm. The 'Cultivator' NPC will teach you the specialization. Pair this with the trade skill Apothecary.

  • Grants growth up S on all culture slots. Complete the Sprouting an Ancient Tree delivery request. Culture Slot Upgrade 1: Adds one culture slot to cultivate two kinds of materials (or duplicates) at a time. Complete the 4★ Persistent Pests optional quest. Mega Fertilizer (fertilizer) Grants plant harvest up L on all culture slots.
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Leveling Cultivating

It can be obtained by talking to the Botanical Research Center NPC and boosting Honey / Bug cultivation. With this set, you’ll have 5 decorations: (x2) Geology Jewel 1, (x3) Specimen Jewel 1.

  • First thing's first: enable the Add-on Miracle Grow Remix (press Esc --> Customize Interface --> Mods/Add-ons --> then Enable the Add-on)
  • At level one Cultivating, you'll only be able to Cultivate one seed at a time. At 50, you get another slot; at 100, a third; and at 150, a fourth.
  • Currently it is more cost effective not to purchase any of the Cultivating materials like soil and water. Just grow each seed by itself with no additives.
  • To start, simply purchase four level one seeds from one of the Craft Supply Merchants. Grow seeds using your Miracle Grow Add-on box.
  • Once complete, click the Harvest or Repeat Last Grow button in the add-on.
  • When you successfully harvest a seed, a plant will appear in your crafting window (in your backpack) that corresponds to the seed created. You can now either use that plant to create a potion through Apothecary, or you can convert the plant into another seed via CTRL+right click.
  • In some cases while leveling Cultivating, you'll create a plant in the next tier, i.e. you'll create a level 25 plant from a level 1 seed. Make sure to convert these plants into seeds along the way so you have plenty to start crafting when you reach level 25 Cultivating.
  • The maximum level for all gathering and trade skills is 200.
  • Any class can Cultivate, but if you're looking to have one character with each gathering skill (Butchering, Salvaging, and Scavenging), it's good to consider learning Cultivating on a class that may not be able to farm easily. Since you don't need to kill anything, Cultivating can be an effective gathering skill for classes with low damage output (like some healing and tank classes).

List of enabled Materials for Cultivating in RoR

Material LevelEffectSeedPlantVisual
1Ballistic SkillWoolly Thief's Nettle SeedWoolly Thief's Nettle
1Corp ResistPebbled Gravelnuts SeedPebbled Gravelnuts
1EnergySwaying Dandedragon SeedSwaying Dandedragon
1Flame BreathSmoking Argost Creep SeedSmoking Argost Creep
1HealingGlossy Spumepetal SeedGlossy Spumepetal
1IntelligenceMotley Smedleycap SporeMotley Smedleycap
1MolotovSmoking Pyre Ivy SeedSmoking Pyre Ivy
1NapalmSimmering Ashberry SeedSimmering Ashberry
1RestorationMusty Elvish Parsley SeedMusty Elvish Parsley
1Spirit ResistWispy Spiderfrond SeedWispy Spiderfrond
1StrengthWispy Beardweed SeedWispy Beardweed
1WillpowerPetulant Grumpleaf SeedPetulant Grumpleaf
1ExtenderCallous Gobswort SporeCallous Gobswort
1MultiplierDusty Fusk SporeDusty Fusk
1StabilizerPrickly Goldweed SeedPrickly Goldweed
1StimulantSullen Marshroot SeedSullen Marshroot
25Ballistic SkillWiry Thief's Nettle SeedWiry Thief's Nettle
25Corp ResistJagged Gravelnuts SeedJagged Gravelnuts
25EnergyCapering Dandedragon SeedCapering Dandedragon
25Flame BreathCharred Argost Creep SeedCharred Argost Creep
25HealingBlistered Spumepetal SeedBlistered Spumepetal
25IntelligenceBlotchy Smedleycap SporeBlotchy Smedleycap
25MolotovCharred Pyre Ivy SeedCharred Pyre Ivy
25NapalmFestering Ashberry SeedFestering Ashberry
25RestorationBitter Elvish Parsley SeedBitter Elvish Parsley
25Spirit ResistBrittle Spiderfrond SeedBrittle Spiderfrond
25StrengthBrittle Beardweed SeedBrittle Beardweed
25WillpowerFrowning Grumpleaf SeedFrowning Grumpleaf
25ExtenderScabrous Gobswort SporeScabrous Gobswort
25MultiplierSandy Fusk SporeSandy Fusk
25StabilizerGlinting Goldweed SeedGlinting Goldweed
25StimulantFretting Marshroot SeedFretting Marshroot
50Ballistic SkillScattered Thief's Nettle SeedScattered Thief's Nettle
50Corp ResistStriding Gravelnuts SeedStriding Gravelnuts
50EnergyTufted Dandedragon SeedTufted Dandedragon
50Flame BreathGrasping Argost Creep SeedGrasping Argost Creep
50HealingSwollen Spumepetal SeedSwollen Spumepetal
50IntelligenceRotting Smedleycap SporeRotting Smedleycap
50MolotovFuzzy Prye Ivy SeedFuzzy Prye Ivy
50NapalmSeething Ashberry SeedSeething Ashberry
50RestorationGrasping Elvish Parsley SeedGrasping Elvish Parsley
50Spirit ResistVile Spiderfrond SeedVile Spiderfrond
50StrengthArching Beardweed SeedArching Beardweed
50WillpowerWiry Grumpleaf SeedWiry Grumpleaf
50ExtenderCoarse Gobswort SporeCoarse Gobswort
50MultiplierBurgundy Fusk SporeBurgundy Fusk
50StabilizerSpiny Goldweed SeedSpiny Goldweed
50StimulantCross Marshroot SeedCross Marshroot
75Ballistic SkillScurfy Thief's Nettle SeedScurfy Thief's Nettle
75Corp ResistCantering Gravelnuts SeedCantering Gravelnuts
75EnergyWispy Dandedragon SeedWispy Dandedragon
75Flame BreathClawing Argost Creep SeedClawing Argost Creep
75HealingBloated Spumepetal SeedBloated Spumepetal
75IntelligenceBlighted Smedleycap SporeBlighted Smedlycap
75MolotovPatchy Pyre Ivy SeedPatchy Pyre Ivy
75NapalmFulminating Ashberry SeedFulminating Ashberry
75RestorationMordant Elvish Parsley SeedMordant Elvish Parsley
75Spirit ResistNoxious Spiderfrond SeedNoxious Spiderfrond
75StrengthCurling Beardweed SeedCurling Beardweed
75WillpowerHairy Grumpleaf SeedHairy Grumpleaf
75ExtenderWiry Gobswort SporeWiry Gobswort
75MultiplierScarlet Fusk SporeScarlet Fusk
75StabilizerGlimmering Goldweed SeedGlimmering Goldweed
75StimulantGruff Marshrood SeedGruff Marshroot
100Ballistic SkillWhiskered Thief's Nettle SeedWhiskered Thief's Nettle
100Corp ResistNeedled Gravelnuts SeedNeedled Gravelnuts
100EnergyWiry Dandedragon SeedWiry Dandedragon
100Flame BreathCurling Argost Creep SeedCurling Argost Creep
100HealingShooting Spumepetal SeedShooting Spumepetal
100IntelligenceCrusted Smedleycap SporeCrusted Smedleycap
100MolotovWavering Pyre Ivy SeedWavering Pyre Ivy
100NapalmSmoldering Ashberry SeedSmoldering Ashberry
100RestorationPygmy Elvish Parsley SeedPygmy Elvish Parsley
100Spirit ResistWaving Spiderfrond SeedWaving Spiderfrond
100StrengthPasty Beardweed SeedPasty Beardweed
100WillpowerRopy Grumpleaf SeedRopy Grumpleaf
100ExtenderRose Gobswort SporeRose Gobswort
100MultiplierCloudy Fusk SporeCloudy Fusk
100StabilizerThorny Goldweed SeedThorny Goldweed
100StimulantProvoked Marshroot SeedProvoked Marshroot
125Ballistic SkillShaggy Thief's Nettle SeedShaggy Thief's Nettle
125Corp ResistSharp Gravelnuts SeedSharp Gravelnuts
125EnergySnickering Dandedragon SeedSnickering Dandedragon
125Flame BreathCoiled Argost Creep SeedCoiled Argost Creep
125HealingPitching Spumepetal SeedPitching Spumepetal
125IntelligenceCaked Smedleycap SporeCaked Smedleycap
125MolotovWhispering Pyre Ivy SeedWhispering Pyre Ivy
125NapalmBurning Ashberry SeedBurning Ashberry
125RestorationDwarf Elvish Parsley SeedDwarf Elvish Parsley
125Spirit ResistSwollen Spiderfrond SeedSwollen Spiderfrond
125StrengthSlimy Beardweed SeedSlimy Beardweed
125WillpowerUnkempt Grumpleaf SeedUnkempt Grumpleaf
125ExtenderCarmine Gobswort SporeCarmine Gobswort
125MultiplierShaded Shadow Fusk SporeShaded Shadow Fusk
125StabilizerGleaming Goldweed SeedGleaming Goldweed
125StimulantAgitated Marshroot SeedAgitated Marshroot
150Ballistic SkillRuffled Thief's Nettle SeedRuffled Thief's Nettle
150Corp ResistSerrated Gravelnuts SeedSerrated Gravelnuts
150EnergyGrinning Dandedragon SeedGrinning Dandedragon
150Flame BreathCrying Argost Creep SeedCrying Argost Creep
150HealingHeaving Spumepetal SeedHeaving Spumepetal
150IntelligenceLaughing Smedleycap SporeLaughing Smedleycap
150MolotovCrimson-Tipped Ryre Ivy SeedCrimson-Tipped Pyre Ivy
150NapalmBlazing Ashberry SeedBlazing Ashberry
150RestorationVibrant Elvish Parsley SeedVibrant Elvish Parsley
150Spirit ResistWebbed Spiderfrond SeedWebbed Spiderfrond
150StrengthBlossoming Beardweed SeedBlossoming Beardweed
150WillpowerFoaming Grumpleaf SeedFoaming Grumpleaf
150ExtenderWiggly Gobswort SporeWiggly Gobswort
150MultiplierWolfpaw Fusk SporeWolfpaw Fusk
150StabilizerBarbed Goldweed SeedBarbed Goldweed
150StimulantLivid Marshroot SeedLivid Marshroot
175Ballistic SkillScrubby Thief's Nettle SeedScrubby Thief's Nettle
175Corp ResistPiked Gravelnuts SeedPiked Gravelnuts
175EnergyBlissful Dandedragon SeedBlissful Dandedragon
175Flame BreathWeeping Argost Creep SeedWeeping Argost Creep
175HealingLaunching Spumepetal seedLaunching Spumepetals
175IntelligenceMocking Spedleycap SporeMocking Smedleycap
175MolotovYellow-Tipped Pyre Ivy SeedYellow-Tipped Pyre Ivy
175NapalmFiery Ashberry SeedFiery Ashberry
175RestorationAromatic Elvish Parsley SeedAromatic Elvish Parsley
175Spirit ResistBlack Spiderfrond SeedBlack Spiderfrond
175StrengthMilksap Beardweed SeedMilksap Beardweed
175WillpowerFrothing Grumpleaf SeedFrothing Grumpleaf
175ExtenderGauzy Gobswort SporeGauzy Gobswort
175MultiplierStaghorn Fusk SporeStaghorn Fusk
175StabilizerVibrant Goldweed SeedVibrant Goldweed
175StimulantAngry Marshroot SeedAngry Marshroot
200Ballistic SkillRugged Thief's Nettle SeedRugged Thief's Nettle
200Corp ResistClustered Gravelnuts SeedClustered Gravelnuts
200EnergyDrunken Dandedragon SeedDrunken Dandedragon
200Flame BreathSunstalk Argost Creep SeedSunstalk Argost Creep
200HealingHurling Spumepetal SeedHurling Spumepetal
200IntelligenceHightop Smedleycap SporeHightop Smedleycap
200MolotovAshborn Pyre Ivy SeedAshborn Pyre Ivy
200NapalmScorching Ashberry SeedScorching Ashberry
200RestorationBittersweet Elvish Parsley SeedBittersweet Elvish Parsley
200Spirit ResistSpindly Spiderfrond SeedSpindly Spiderfrond
200StrengthElder Beardweed SeedElder Beardweed
200WillpowerBitter Grumpleaf SeedBitter Grumpleaf
200ExtenderTaut Gobswort SporeTaut Gobswort
200MultiplierMajestic Fusk SporeMajestic Fusk
200StabilizerMajestic Goldweed SeedMajestic Goldweed
200StimulantSavage Marshroot SeedSavage Marshroot

Created on the Live version of WAR by player Irinia

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Fourth Cultivation Slot Mhw Machine

Learn the Cultivating skill at the capital city of your realm. The 'Cultivator' NPC will teach you the specialization. Pair this with the trade skill Apothecary.

Leveling Cultivating

  • First thing's first: enable the Add-on Miracle Grow Remix (press Esc --> Customize Interface --> Mods/Add-ons --> then Enable the Add-on)
  • At level one Cultivating, you'll only be able to Cultivate one seed at a time. At 50, you get another slot; at 100, a third; and at 150, a fourth.
  • Currently it is more cost effective not to purchase any of the Cultivating materials like soil and water. Just grow each seed by itself with no additives.
  • To start, simply purchase four level one seeds from one of the Craft Supply Merchants. Grow seeds using your Miracle Grow Add-on box.
  • Once complete, click the Harvest or Repeat Last Grow button in the add-on.
  • When you successfully harvest a seed, a plant will appear in your crafting window (in your backpack) that corresponds to the seed created. You can now either use that plant to create a potion through Apothecary, or you can convert the plant into another seed via CTRL+right click.
  • In some cases while leveling Cultivating, you'll create a plant in the next tier, i.e. you'll create a level 25 plant from a level 1 seed. Make sure to convert these plants into seeds along the way so you have plenty to start crafting when you reach level 25 Cultivating.
  • The maximum level for all gathering and trade skills is 200.
  • Any class can Cultivate, but if you're looking to have one character with each gathering skill (Butchering, Salvaging, and Scavenging), it's good to consider learning Cultivating on a class that may not be able to farm easily. Since you don't need to kill anything, Cultivating can be an effective gathering skill for classes with low damage output (like some healing and tank classes).
Fourth cultivation slot mhw system

List of enabled Materials for Cultivating in RoR

Material LevelEffectSeedPlantVisual
1Ballistic SkillWoolly Thief's Nettle SeedWoolly Thief's Nettle
1Corp ResistPebbled Gravelnuts SeedPebbled Gravelnuts
1EnergySwaying Dandedragon SeedSwaying Dandedragon
1Flame BreathSmoking Argost Creep SeedSmoking Argost Creep
1HealingGlossy Spumepetal SeedGlossy Spumepetal
1IntelligenceMotley Smedleycap SporeMotley Smedleycap
1MolotovSmoking Pyre Ivy SeedSmoking Pyre Ivy
1NapalmSimmering Ashberry SeedSimmering Ashberry
1RestorationMusty Elvish Parsley SeedMusty Elvish Parsley
1Spirit ResistWispy Spiderfrond SeedWispy Spiderfrond
1StrengthWispy Beardweed SeedWispy Beardweed
1WillpowerPetulant Grumpleaf SeedPetulant Grumpleaf
1ExtenderCallous Gobswort SporeCallous Gobswort
1MultiplierDusty Fusk SporeDusty Fusk
1StabilizerPrickly Goldweed SeedPrickly Goldweed
1StimulantSullen Marshroot SeedSullen Marshroot
25Ballistic SkillWiry Thief's Nettle SeedWiry Thief's Nettle
25Corp ResistJagged Gravelnuts SeedJagged Gravelnuts
25EnergyCapering Dandedragon SeedCapering Dandedragon
25Flame BreathCharred Argost Creep SeedCharred Argost Creep
25HealingBlistered Spumepetal SeedBlistered Spumepetal
25IntelligenceBlotchy Smedleycap SporeBlotchy Smedleycap
25MolotovCharred Pyre Ivy SeedCharred Pyre Ivy
25NapalmFestering Ashberry SeedFestering Ashberry
25RestorationBitter Elvish Parsley SeedBitter Elvish Parsley
25Spirit ResistBrittle Spiderfrond SeedBrittle Spiderfrond
25StrengthBrittle Beardweed SeedBrittle Beardweed
25WillpowerFrowning Grumpleaf SeedFrowning Grumpleaf
25ExtenderScabrous Gobswort SporeScabrous Gobswort
25MultiplierSandy Fusk SporeSandy Fusk
25StabilizerGlinting Goldweed SeedGlinting Goldweed
25StimulantFretting Marshroot SeedFretting Marshroot
50Ballistic SkillScattered Thief's Nettle SeedScattered Thief's Nettle
50Corp ResistStriding Gravelnuts SeedStriding Gravelnuts
50EnergyTufted Dandedragon SeedTufted Dandedragon
50Flame BreathGrasping Argost Creep SeedGrasping Argost Creep
50HealingSwollen Spumepetal SeedSwollen Spumepetal
50IntelligenceRotting Smedleycap SporeRotting Smedleycap
50MolotovFuzzy Prye Ivy SeedFuzzy Prye Ivy
50NapalmSeething Ashberry SeedSeething Ashberry
50RestorationGrasping Elvish Parsley SeedGrasping Elvish Parsley
50Spirit ResistVile Spiderfrond SeedVile Spiderfrond
50StrengthArching Beardweed SeedArching Beardweed
50WillpowerWiry Grumpleaf SeedWiry Grumpleaf
50ExtenderCoarse Gobswort SporeCoarse Gobswort
50MultiplierBurgundy Fusk SporeBurgundy Fusk
50StabilizerSpiny Goldweed SeedSpiny Goldweed
50StimulantCross Marshroot SeedCross Marshroot
75Ballistic SkillScurfy Thief's Nettle SeedScurfy Thief's Nettle
75Corp ResistCantering Gravelnuts SeedCantering Gravelnuts
75EnergyWispy Dandedragon SeedWispy Dandedragon
75Flame BreathClawing Argost Creep SeedClawing Argost Creep
75HealingBloated Spumepetal SeedBloated Spumepetal
75IntelligenceBlighted Smedleycap SporeBlighted Smedlycap
75MolotovPatchy Pyre Ivy SeedPatchy Pyre Ivy
75NapalmFulminating Ashberry SeedFulminating Ashberry
75RestorationMordant Elvish Parsley SeedMordant Elvish Parsley
75Spirit ResistNoxious Spiderfrond SeedNoxious Spiderfrond
75StrengthCurling Beardweed SeedCurling Beardweed
75WillpowerHairy Grumpleaf SeedHairy Grumpleaf
75ExtenderWiry Gobswort SporeWiry Gobswort
75MultiplierScarlet Fusk SporeScarlet Fusk
75StabilizerGlimmering Goldweed SeedGlimmering Goldweed
75StimulantGruff Marshrood SeedGruff Marshroot
100Ballistic SkillWhiskered Thief's Nettle SeedWhiskered Thief's Nettle
100Corp ResistNeedled Gravelnuts SeedNeedled Gravelnuts
100EnergyWiry Dandedragon SeedWiry Dandedragon
100Flame BreathCurling Argost Creep SeedCurling Argost Creep
100HealingShooting Spumepetal SeedShooting Spumepetal
100IntelligenceCrusted Smedleycap SporeCrusted Smedleycap
100MolotovWavering Pyre Ivy SeedWavering Pyre Ivy
100NapalmSmoldering Ashberry SeedSmoldering Ashberry
100RestorationPygmy Elvish Parsley SeedPygmy Elvish Parsley
100Spirit ResistWaving Spiderfrond SeedWaving Spiderfrond
100StrengthPasty Beardweed SeedPasty Beardweed
100WillpowerRopy Grumpleaf SeedRopy Grumpleaf
100ExtenderRose Gobswort SporeRose Gobswort
100MultiplierCloudy Fusk SporeCloudy Fusk
100StabilizerThorny Goldweed SeedThorny Goldweed
100StimulantProvoked Marshroot SeedProvoked Marshroot
125Ballistic SkillShaggy Thief's Nettle SeedShaggy Thief's Nettle
125Corp ResistSharp Gravelnuts SeedSharp Gravelnuts
125EnergySnickering Dandedragon SeedSnickering Dandedragon
125Flame BreathCoiled Argost Creep SeedCoiled Argost Creep
125HealingPitching Spumepetal SeedPitching Spumepetal
125IntelligenceCaked Smedleycap SporeCaked Smedleycap
125MolotovWhispering Pyre Ivy SeedWhispering Pyre Ivy
125NapalmBurning Ashberry SeedBurning Ashberry
125RestorationDwarf Elvish Parsley SeedDwarf Elvish Parsley
125Spirit ResistSwollen Spiderfrond SeedSwollen Spiderfrond
125StrengthSlimy Beardweed SeedSlimy Beardweed
125WillpowerUnkempt Grumpleaf SeedUnkempt Grumpleaf
125ExtenderCarmine Gobswort SporeCarmine Gobswort
125MultiplierShaded Shadow Fusk SporeShaded Shadow Fusk
125StabilizerGleaming Goldweed SeedGleaming Goldweed
125StimulantAgitated Marshroot SeedAgitated Marshroot
150Ballistic SkillRuffled Thief's Nettle SeedRuffled Thief's Nettle
150Corp ResistSerrated Gravelnuts SeedSerrated Gravelnuts
150EnergyGrinning Dandedragon SeedGrinning Dandedragon
150Flame BreathCrying Argost Creep SeedCrying Argost Creep
150HealingHeaving Spumepetal SeedHeaving Spumepetal
150IntelligenceLaughing Smedleycap SporeLaughing Smedleycap
150MolotovCrimson-Tipped Ryre Ivy SeedCrimson-Tipped Pyre Ivy
150NapalmBlazing Ashberry SeedBlazing Ashberry
150RestorationVibrant Elvish Parsley SeedVibrant Elvish Parsley
150Spirit ResistWebbed Spiderfrond SeedWebbed Spiderfrond
150StrengthBlossoming Beardweed SeedBlossoming Beardweed
150WillpowerFoaming Grumpleaf SeedFoaming Grumpleaf
150ExtenderWiggly Gobswort SporeWiggly Gobswort
150MultiplierWolfpaw Fusk SporeWolfpaw Fusk
150StabilizerBarbed Goldweed SeedBarbed Goldweed
150StimulantLivid Marshroot SeedLivid Marshroot
175Ballistic SkillScrubby Thief's Nettle SeedScrubby Thief's Nettle
175Corp ResistPiked Gravelnuts SeedPiked Gravelnuts
175EnergyBlissful Dandedragon SeedBlissful Dandedragon
175Flame BreathWeeping Argost Creep SeedWeeping Argost Creep
175HealingLaunching Spumepetal seedLaunching Spumepetals
175IntelligenceMocking Spedleycap SporeMocking Smedleycap
175MolotovYellow-Tipped Pyre Ivy SeedYellow-Tipped Pyre Ivy
175NapalmFiery Ashberry SeedFiery Ashberry
175RestorationAromatic Elvish Parsley SeedAromatic Elvish Parsley
175Spirit ResistBlack Spiderfrond SeedBlack Spiderfrond
175StrengthMilksap Beardweed SeedMilksap Beardweed
175WillpowerFrothing Grumpleaf SeedFrothing Grumpleaf
175ExtenderGauzy Gobswort SporeGauzy Gobswort
175MultiplierStaghorn Fusk SporeStaghorn Fusk
175StabilizerVibrant Goldweed SeedVibrant Goldweed
175StimulantAngry Marshroot SeedAngry Marshroot
200Ballistic SkillRugged Thief's Nettle SeedRugged Thief's Nettle
200Corp ResistClustered Gravelnuts SeedClustered Gravelnuts
200EnergyDrunken Dandedragon SeedDrunken Dandedragon
200Flame BreathSunstalk Argost Creep SeedSunstalk Argost Creep
200HealingHurling Spumepetal SeedHurling Spumepetal
200IntelligenceHightop Smedleycap SporeHightop Smedleycap
200MolotovAshborn Pyre Ivy SeedAshborn Pyre Ivy
200NapalmScorching Ashberry SeedScorching Ashberry
200RestorationBittersweet Elvish Parsley SeedBittersweet Elvish Parsley
200Spirit ResistSpindly Spiderfrond SeedSpindly Spiderfrond
200StrengthElder Beardweed SeedElder Beardweed
200WillpowerBitter Grumpleaf SeedBitter Grumpleaf
200ExtenderTaut Gobswort SporeTaut Gobswort
200MultiplierMajestic Fusk SporeMajestic Fusk
200StabilizerMajestic Goldweed SeedMajestic Goldweed
200StimulantSavage Marshroot SeedSavage Marshroot

Fourth Cultivation Slot Mhw Shara

Created on the Live version of WAR by player Irinia

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